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Faraday Institute. Summer Course No 10: "Science or Religion: Do We Have to Choose?"

Cambridge, Lucy Cavendish College
Domenica, 5 Luglio 2015
Venerdì, 10 Luglio 2015

Il corso annuale Faraday Summer Course affronterà diverse questioni relative alle tematiche del rapporto scienza/fede. Le lezioni verranno tenute da relatori conosciuti a livello internazionale e toccheranno argomenti di rilevanza tra i quali si segnala il rapporto tra la credenza religiosa e le discipline scientifiche, nonché alcune istanze etiche sollevate dall'uomo di scienza.

Relatori e titoli degli interventi:

•Dr Jamie Aten : Psychology of religion and spirituality

•Dr Michael Burdett : Human Enhancement: Ethical and Theological Issues

•Prof. Peter Clarke : The brain as a neuronal machine

•Prof. Simon Conway Morris FRS: Convergence and complexity in evolution

•Prof. Peter Harrison : Historical perspectives on science and religion

•Dr Erin Joakim : Faith under pressure: Religious responses to disasters

•Revd Dr Ernest Lucas : Science and the Bible

•Prof. Alister McGrath : Science or religion: Do we have to choose?

•Dr Nicholas Ray : Genetics and human evolution

•Dr Nicholas Ray : The science of global warming

•Dr Emily Reed Burdett : Born believers? God and religious faith in childhood

•Dr Christopher Southgate : Theological Issues arising from Evolution

•Revd Prof David Wilkinson : Is the universe designed?

•Dr David Williams : Extra-terrestrial Intelligence: Scientific and theological issues


Il corso si terrà presso il Lucy Cavendish College, Lady Margaret Road, Cambridge, CB3 0BU


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