In libreria - 1. Riflessioni filosofiche o teologiche nella scienza

a cura di Giampaolo del Monte


G. MARTINO, J. LO GRASSO, Non tutto è scritto nel DNA. La scienza oltre la genetica, Mondadori, Milano 2024, pp. 192, € 18,00, ISBN 788804781523

T. HERTOG, On the origin of time, Penguin, Londra 2024, pp. 336, £10.99, ISBN 9781804991121

E. SOBER,The Philosophy of Evolutionary Theory. Concepts, Inferences, and Probabilities, University of Wisconsin, Madison 2024, pp. 308, ISBN 9781009376013

P. BALL, How Life Works. A User’s Guide to the New Biology, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2023, pp. 552, $24.80, ISBN 9780226826684

M. BUCCIANTINI, Siamo tutti galileiani, Einaudi, Torino 2023, pp. 120, € 12.00, ISBN 9788806256807

A.M. DAVIS, R. FABER, Astrophilosophy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion. Extraterrestrial Life in a Process Universe, Lexington Books, Lanham 2024, pp. 574, £ 119.00, ISBN 9781666944365

M.P. BANCHETTI-ROBINO , G. VILLANI, From the Atom to Living Systems: A Chemical and Philosophical Journey Into Modern and Contemporary Science, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2023, pp. 304, $110.00, ISBN 9780197598900

P. GOFF, Why? The Purpose of the Universe, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2023, $18.00, ISBN 9780198883760

G. CONSOLMAGNO, C.M. GRANEY, When Science Goes Wrong: The Desire and Search for Truth, Paulist Press International U.S., Mahwah 2023, pp. 168, € 27.53, ISBN 9780809156641

M.J.REISS, M.RUSSE, The New Biology. A Battle between Mechanism and Organicism, Harvard Press, Cambridge 2023, pp. 320, € 40,95, ISBN: 9780674972247

L. PEYRON, Cieli sereni. Trovare Cristo seguendo le stelle (e con l'uso di un telescopio), San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 2023, pp. 160,€ 15,00, ISBN 9788892241633

C. SOUTHGATE, Monotheism and the Suffering of Animalin Nature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2023, pp. 75, € 19.84, ISBN 9781108953092

J. BOULDING, The Multiverse and Participatory. Metaphysics a Theological Exploration, Routledge, Londra 2023, pp. 196, £ 38.99, ISBN 9781032067926

M. KLINE, Storia di un amore infinito. La matematica nella cultura occidentale, Meltemi, Milano 2023, pp. 618, € 26.60, ISBN 9788855198462 

M. IVANOVA, A. MURPHY, The Aesthetics of Scientific experiments, Routledge, Londra 2023, pp. 244, £ 130.00, ISBN 9781032203881

M.J. REISS, M. RUSE, The new Biology. A Battle between Mechanism and Organicism, Harward University Press, Cambridge 2023, pp. 320, € 40.95, ISBN 9780674972247

P. GOFF, L'errore di Galileo, Codice edizioni, Torino 2023, pp. 256, € 22.00, ISBN 9791254500521

G.TONELLI, Materia. La magnifica illusione, Feltrinelli, Milano 2023, pp. 192, € 18.00, ISBN 9788807493515

J.F.X. KNASAS, Thomistic Exstentialism and Cosmological Reasoning, CUA Press, Washington 2019, pp. 328, € 68.36, ISBN 9780813231853

A.YOUNAN, Matter and Mathematics: An Essential Account of Laws of Nature, CUAPress, Washingthon 2022, pp. 256, € 88.13, ISBN 9780813236124

W.A. WALLACE, Intelligibily of Nature, CUA Press, Washington 2023, pp. 316, € 40.92, ISBN 9780813235943

J.R. TOPHAM, Reading the Book of Nature. How Eight Best Sellers Reconnected Christianity and the Sciences on the Eve of the Victorian Age, Chiacago University Press, Chicago 2022, pp. 544, $47.50, ISBN 9780226815763

R.S. ELLIS, When Galaxies Were Born: The Quest for Cosmic Dawn, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2022, pp. 280, $33.00/£25.00, ISBN 9780691211305

G. SHILLING, The Elephant in the Universe. Our Hundred-Year Search for Dark Matter, Harvard University Press, Harvard 2022, pp. 376,  $29.95, ISBN 9780674248991

M. SKOV, M. NADAL (edd.), The Routdledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics, Routdlege, Londra 2022, pp. 596, £ 190,00, ISBN 9780367442743

W. OTT, The Metaphysics of Laws of Nature. The rules of game, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022, pp. 336, £ 65,00, ISBN 9780192859235

G. FORMICA, Pensiero assiomatico. I teoremi di Gödel, la riflessione di Hilbert e la metodologia di von Neumann, Urbaniana University Press, Roma 2022, pp. 164, € 19,00, ISBN 9788840190594

F. CLOSE, Teorie del tutto, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2022, pp. 144, € 19,00, ISBN 9788833940014

L. URBANI ULIVI (ed.), L'Intelligenza della natura, Edizioni Canatagalli, Siena 2022, pp. 176, € 19,00, ISBN 9791259623133

M. PLANCK, La conoscenza del mondo fisico, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2022, pp. 432, € 14,00, ISBN 9788833926773