2019 Ian Ramsey Centre Summer Conference, Mathematical Institute and Eynsham Hall, Oxford, 19-20 July 2019
Short papers are invited on topics relevant to the conference themes, to be delivered in parallel sessions of 30 minutes duration (20-minute paper, 10 minutes discussion). Those wishing to contribute a paper should submit a title, a < 350-word abstract that situates the paper against its scholarly backdrop, and institutional affiliation by email to:
with the subject line:
“Compassion and Theodicy Paper Application”
Closing date for abstract submissions: Friday 15 March 2019
Notification of acceptance: Friday 22 March 2019
For questions on paper submissions, please contact: bethany.sollereder@theology.ox.ac.uk
The majority of the short papers will be presented on 20 July at Eynsham Hall. In addition, three papers will be selected by a panel of three assessors for a plenary session at the Mathematical Institute on 19 July.
Theology and Science is planning to publish a special edition with a selection of papers from the event.