Scadenza Expanded Reason Awards conferiti dalla Fondazione Josef Ratzinger

30 aprile 2017

Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., the new president of the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and former spokesman for the Holy See, announced the Expanded Reason Awards that are being offered by the University Francisco de Vitoria in collaboration with the Foundation.

The meeting took place earlier this fall at the Chapter Room of the Cathedral of the Almudena in Madrid with the purpose of explaining the Awards; that is, to recognize the work of professors and researchers who in their professional labors seek to integrate their specific disciplines with philosophy and theology, because they recognize that “if scientific rationality becomes the only trusted form of knowledge, many vital questions for the human person will then be left out. The meaning of reality, and of science itself, is not the object of positivistic sciences but of the humanities, of philosophy and of theology. Widening the horizons of scientific rationality means to place man again in an important role as subject and beneficiary of the sciences.”

The Awards, for a total of 100,000 Euros, are divided into two categories that will be given to four winners, two in research and two in teaching.

The Research Category should consist of a project that integrates a specific science with philosophy and/or theology, taking into account certain aspects of the humanities, as defined in the Award Conditions: an anthropological question, an epistemological one, an ethical one, and one concerning meaning, all in relation to one’s science or particular discipline in a way that seeks to enter into a deeper reality and that seeks interdiscliplinarity as a way of knowledge. The Teaching Category requires the same type of integration but asks not only how the project is carried out on paper, but actively in the teaching experience.

The Awards are of international scope and can be presented in English or Spanish. Various criteria are important as it is noted on the Awards web page.

 Deadline for applications April 30, 2017

Awards will be published on July 31, 2017

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To see Fr. Lombardi speaking of the Awards click here

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